Sunday, May 20, 2012

Breaking your Technology Addiction

Are you constantly checking your Facebook? Tweeting? Are you and your cell phone attached at the thumb? If so then it's time to disconnect. We are not saying that all technology is bad. However, at some point you have to decide when enough is enough and give your electronics a break. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem correct? So let's start today and recover from technology dependence. At the moment you may not think that your constant technology usage is a big deal, this may not be the case though. This problem can turn into an avalanche of future issues. At first it's just a few extra hours on the computer,then you're failing math because you forgot to do your homework for the 9th time. If you let this addiction continue the outcome could progress to be much worse. Not only can technology effect your academic life but it can also effect your social life. Instead of spending time with family and friends you are to busy on the computer or a cell phone. Technology addiction is a serious illness. Most people would think the best way to quit an addiction is cold turkey. However, the odds of you or anyone else being able to do that are very slim. So we advise any person with this type of addiction to first start by limiting one's self to a certain amount of hours using technology and then begin to lower it from there. for instance if on average you spend 9 hours on the computer or using your phone lower it to 8. once you are able to do this without problem try for 7, and then so on and so on until you have reached a healthy balance. I know it will be hard to pull your fingers away but the key is JUST SAY NO. If you find it to hard at first find something to occupy your time other than technology. Go outside, Do some homework, hang out with friends, knit a sweater! Keep your mind and fingers active and you won't be as likely to fall on the technological wagon. Technology doesn't have to control you life. You just have to find the strength to disconect.